Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Special Olympics New York- ACOM 204, Group B-3

          Our group consists of Amber Vogel, Jake Bickel, Ryan Hughes, Chelsea Lewis and Lauren Leavitt. We are working together in Group Communication and we will be doing a bake sale to raise money for the Special Olympics. Our goal is to obtain a total of 25 community service hours through this bake sale.
The goal of our project is to raise money for Special Olympics New York. We chose this organization because we believe in the ideals they represent and stand united with their efforts to help individuals develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of skills and friendship with their families, Special Olympics athletes and communities. Our project of working with the Special Olympics New York has 2 phases.  The 1st phase involves Jake working in the office for a day to help with clerical work.  The 2nd phase calls for a bake sale on campus to fundraise donation money to deliver to Special Olympics New York.
Special Olympics New York is a non-profit organization that offers regional, state, and national competitions for intellectually handicapped people of all ages.  The main mission of this organization is to allow these athletes to not only let them compete on an equal playing field but to learn the many lessons that sports has to offer. For more information on the Special Olympics of New York, check out their website.
Our service learning project will not only help us improve our ability to work in teams (a skill many of us will need for our future careers), but will also help the Special Olympics New York to be able to provide support to countless handicapped people across New York State. We are proud to be helping this organization and hope to be successful in raising money to support the work they are doing.



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